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Digital Fraud in the Workplace on the Rise


Digital fraud in the workplace has skyrocketed in recent years. This trend is unlikely to reverse any time soon.

TransUnion found that digital fraud attempts originating in Canada have increased by 40% in 2023 as compared to 2022.

As AI and deep-fake applications continue to proliferate, soon after many workplaces only just recently transitioned to remote-work or hybrid work options, the potential for fraud only continues to grow.

This story involves a loss of nearly $35 Million Dollars (CAD) due to fraud. A suggestion might be that any time employees or coworkers request a “secret transaction” one might consider this a red flag worthy of further inquiry.  Given deep-fake technology, an “in person” confirmation will be the most secure method of communication, even if not always convenient or possible.

If you receive a suspicious communication, a quick phone call or office visit might save you and your company millions of dollars and untold hours of frustration.


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